Well, now, cinnamon. It's a little hard to get that into your diet when you're not eating cereal, toast, cake or sweets. I took cinnamon capsules that did absolutely nothing for my blood sugar, so good luck with that. Others may have different results.
The article also talks about magnesium. This is from the article:
"Healthful Sources of Magnesium
Magnesium serves many important functions in your body, including reducing your risk of sudden death (9). It's been estimated that up to 80 percent of you are deficient in this important mineral. If you want to increase the magnesium in your diet, please stay away from grains and opt for healthier sources, such as:
• Avocados
• Raw pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds
• Almonds
• Green vegetables, such as spinach and Swiss chard
• Raw broccoli
• Raw, organic cacao
• Black beans and navy beans"
• Peas