well my dad was diagnosed with type 1 diabeties a few years ago. he was 38. my dads uncle also died from it when he was 10 because they didnt know what it was. i just have a few questions.
how likely is it that i or any of my sisters ( i have two, and a baby on the way but not sure if its a boy or girl yet) will become type one diabetics? is it hereditary? does it only transfer down the males side in this case? what if the new baby is a boy? will he get it possible? what are the chances?
also what health implications are involved? my dad doesnt want to talk about it because hes in denial and wont accept that there are some.. but i want to know so i can be prepared. apparently his blood tests werent too good last time. and i also hear that amputations and loss of site are just some? also how long does it take for these things to start having an effect usually?
if you can answer any of these i would be so thankful.
talk soon :)
love tiff xox