Hello everyone. I stumbled onto this sight and have enjoyed and learned alot from your posts. I was diagnosed at age 25 with type one diabetes. I was a textbook case. I had been feeling bad for a few months before seeing a doctor untill my brother (a nurse) took my sugar reading and it was over 600. The proceeding months of constant thirst and urinating had me honestly believing I was cursed. I was actually releaved that my feeling bad was due to diabetes. The first six months after being diagnosed left me scared as hell. I had read the many horror stories about
the bad affects this disease can cause. Since then I have excersized (somewhat) regularly,and counting carbs is second nature. My hemogloban checks have mostly been good(a couple of excessive numbers from time to time).And I do my finger pricks about
4 to 5 times daily. Here is my question:For the last 9 years I was a HEAVY drinker. Six months ago I stopped, and haven't had alcohol since. My problem(if it is one) is all I really crave to drink now are diet sodas and coffee. All day this is what I drink. My eating habits (foodwise) and body pounds (145lbs) are good. I am just courious if alot of caffine and neutrasweet are really harmful or if they are an "acceptable" vise.
Thanks for reading my post and I look forward to visiting this site often.