Jeannie143 said...
Welcome "different_seasons, 32 yr old male in Maine".... I'll bet I would remember you better if I had a nickname to call you by... How about Maine Guy? Glad you found us, just sorry for the reason. We are all about sharing and education here so post away and read as far back as you can about the things that relate to you.
Plain old DS is good, as far as nicknames go thankya. Being type 1 doesn't really bother me, I'm super optimistic and usually look at life as a great way to spend 70 years (I hope). Someone out there has it worse than me thats for sure.
Ok, Think on this- My brother is also a type 1 (22 yrs) and we are the only ones in my family, my father is into geneology so he would know. He thinks agent orange, but thats just a guess. Ever heard of this happening to the kids of V veterans?