Here is 2 two graphs from a powerpoint file that was used at the CR 3 Conference. Paul monitored his glucose levels after consuming large meals, so it's not a huge large scale study... but it doesn't need to be. The results he gets by taking resveratrol is consistant, aswell as for athoer people doing CR.
You obviously are gonna have to take my word for it now because this is obviously not good enough to support the claims but it also wont hurt trying resveratrol will it?. I can send you the powerpoint presentation if you like, it's 13MB.
I suppose that you all know that
Green Tea is great for trying to control diabetes?
Read below:
Green tea intervention can significantly decrease visceral fat depot and increase the insulin's sensitivity.
Metabolic Syndrome X, also known as Insulin Resistance Syndrome, is thought to run in families with a history of type 2 diabetes. Excessive caloric intake is thought to be one of the root causes. Consequently, physicians have prescribed weight loss, exercise and a healthy diet to combat it. A new weapon might eventually be added to the arsenal: consumption of green tea, a tea polyphenols product containing in excess of 65 percent tea catechins, derived from the green tea leaf. The results of a new animal model study reveal the benefits of green tea in improving lipid and glucose metabolisms, enhancing insulin sensitivity, and balancing the metabolic rate of fat deposit and fat burning. of the quote was about
promoting a particular product which is not allowed on the forum. Interested parties can read the article from the link.)