I'm pretty stressed at the moment. I am in the middle of selling my house and organising the move a new place. I know the stress will pass but I'm interested in how it may affect my system. To that end, I am testing a little more than usual. My doctor has told me that I only need to test a few times a week. I think, however, that it might be a little more instructive to test more often and mark down not only the scores, but how I am feeling etc. at and around the time of the test. The World Cup isn't helping as my sleeping patterns are out the window too! Here in Perth (Australia) the games are on at 9pm, midnight and 3 am. I tested this morning before breakfast and scored 5.7 (103), which is a little high, considering it was a fasting score. It is not my intention to examine this in great detail, but I'll let you know if something unusual crops up (England or Australia winning the World Cup would be such an instance!).