Hey there Spooky,
I am not ( at least I don't think) a diabetic...I am a veteran member for another site.....
I have been dealing with really low glucose numbers all my like, was actually admitted for 2 weeks when I wsa a kid, cause I passed out and they discovered that my level was really low, had to drink sugar water for 1 wekk every day, it was horrible....but as of now my doc has been watching my numbers,cause I was also recently on Predisine and she is concerned with everything I guess, I am havigna very hard time with side effects from that drug, my cholesterol levels just went haywire, really bad and now I am on meds to hopefully straighten that one out...
I guess I am just nervous cause I get bloodwork done every month and all of a sudden she wanted this test done....Is this something that I should be concerned about???? Do docs usually suggest this type of test if they ARE expecting maybe bad results????Am I at a higher risk because of the PRed and high Cholesterol????
I was originally diagnosed with Crohn's colitis and now Gi says IBS, so I don't know, rhumey is having my thyroid reavulated now as well....SO my like is kinda upside down and the steroid made me gain 40 pounds in 3 weeks, nasty (ARRRRRGHGGGGG)..
Anyway any input I would greatly appreciate
And MArtha , thank you for your input as well, maybe I shouldn't freak, but heck it is my nature...I have so many illness and conditions happening right now, I could open my own pharmacy, lol
thank you