I wanted to comment on your post. I had symptoms similar to yours. I started on prednisone back in early spring for an autoimmune illness. I was told then to watch my blood glucose levels and blood pressure but never told to get a glucose testing kit to test with. I have the blood pressure moniter so that was no problem. Before I started the prednisone I was having blurred vision, was extremely thirsty, had frequrny urination, fatigue, a lot of symptoms of diabetes.
I went for an eye exam with my opthomologist in May. I had surgery on my retina seveal years back and go on a yearly basis. He said everything checked out ok. I Could even read the eye chart which surprised me with the blurry vision I had been having. I told him that something was definately wrong with my right eye espically. My vision is blurry, regardless of what my tests showed.
At that time he asked me if I was diabetic. I told him that I didn't think so. He asked the nurse to test me. My blood glucose was almost 300. Now I am being treted for type 2 diabetes. I honestly think I was pre diabetic or already diabetic befor the prednisone, or it brought it on.
I was able to control it with diet for the months. I eat a very low carb diet. I don't exercise enough so lately I have bee having to use insulin more than usual. I am weaning from prednisone and I am fatigued a lot, so I don' t feel like exercising a lot.
Most times just testing your glucose level once or twice can't determine if you have diabetes, I don't believe me. The test that was recommended above in one of the posts is the best way for your doctor to find out if you have it. I think it tracks 3 month sof blood sugar levels. How, I do not know.
But, my oldest daughter had one and they found out that she was hypoglychemic by doing it. Other times her glucose was not low when checked with a monitor or with a CBC.
Have that checked out. Indeed, blurred vision, and some of the other symptoms you are having could be sighns of diabetes. I am hardly an expert, even a newbee to diabetes, but I beileve there are many many people who have it and do not know simply because this test is not ran on a regular basis, not even for physicals (at least I don't think it is), someone please correct me if I am wrong) . From what I have read, the earlier diabetes in diagnoised the easier it is to treat, and the less damage it does to the organs in your body.
Mybest to you,
Be Well,