Hi there,
I can understand your concern for your friend, but I also understand how she is feeling right now. I am 23 and have had diabetes for 22 years. I went through a faze (during those wonderful teenage rebellion years) where I tried to live as though I didn't have the condition. Although I know that you are being a wonderful support for your friend, I found that the thing that brought me to my senses was being able to talk to other diabetics about my fears and frustrations. They didn't condemn me for my weaknesses but understood them as most of them had been through the same thing. Just try and provide a healthy living role model for her and try to come up with ways that you guys can spend time together without food. I hope this helps.
I know what your friend is going through!! i have been diabetic for almost 4 years now. I went into the hospital in 1999 with diabeties. I just recently was having problems (with my health). I haven't taken care of myself for over a year and i knew that the health problems i was having could be because of the diabeties. Well, i was right. I am , as we speek, waiting for my liver to heal. I did liver damage to myself by not taking care of my diabeties!! My liver is swolen and not doing its job!! And it is very painful!! I just came back to school today after missing 8 days!! My docters didn't want me to go because my feet were swolen so bad i could hardly walk. this isn't even close to my problems i have got just because i couldn't except the fact that i had diabeties!!! I hope that this info helps you and your friend!!!!
Hi Niki,
It's not easy to convience some one like your girl friend to admit
her Diabetes..i think if you can take her to someone who had same exprience and face the truth , that might be helpfull...
Good luck.
Last Edited : 10/7/2003 10:28:48 AM GMT
Hi There,
I can't really find the way to reach you, please send a couple of words so that i will know that you read my message...
Last Edited : 10/12/2003 1:34:38 PM GMT