Hi Joanne and Nandee,
First off, I really hate to tell you this, but yes, the nausea will probably return if you had it with the 5mcg pen. Take heart though, its not forever and you should see dramatically different results with the 10mcg pen. Please don't stop taking the avandia until you talk to your doctor. Avandia is a very potent drug and its full potential is built up over time (usually takes 2-3 weeks to see the full effects of Avandia once you start taking it). IF the Byetta does what it should, you may be able to drop it or dramatically decrease it, but this is a conversation that you MUST have with your Endo and not simply decide on your own!
Now, if your endo is so busy trying to cram his schedule with patients that he is simply prescribing you by your chart and not really LISTENING to you, its time for a new endocrinologist. Yes, doctors are busy, but why do you even have to see him if he is simply going to prescribe you based on your lab tests. (Incidently, running late is a fact of life, even 2 1/2 hours late). It all comes down to your comfort level. You NEED a doctor you are comfortable with. Remember, gone are the days of the house call, but you can still find empathetic, caring professionals out there!