Hello, this is my first post. I have UC, anxiety & used to have depression until I sought help and anti-depressants. I have had a rough yr dealing with a troubled son and recently had a knee operation so was unable to excercise. I also gained 15 lbs and have huge cravings for chocholate and carbs. The following 4 yrs I had regularily excersized and ate well. Now it seems I have new problems.
Does this sound like diabetes? Red blood in my urine on 3 occasions in the past month.
My eyes seem to be a lot worse than normal, almost blurry. I have had rosacea on my face for ever it seems. I have been tired on and off at weird times. I have also had sharp pains in my left leg. I also have weird tingling around my eyes and ears.
Last week I did a urine test to look for blood. I have had a few kidney stones and thought it might be that. But I guess something was found in the first test, cause they want me to do another next week.
I am not thirsty, and not loosing weight. But have noticed a sore, or dry throat. So, how fast can you turn diabetic? Does anyone know if we have blood sugur tests in our drug stores in Canada?
Thanks for listening..I would like to know if any of you had the same symptoms.