Hi , I have learned much from this board and other diabetics on the net. You are all so helpful, and you know where we are and have been. You know the denial, you know the frustration, and that sometimes, many times, the will is weak. You know the joy of victory of contol. If it was not for this board, I believe I could stay in denial until I became very ill. It is because of checking in with this board and all the wonderful people who particpate here, that I am snapped back into the reality of the importance of maintaing control of my bs. I have a lifetime of habits to change, and I know it will not happen over night, however, I have made better progress because of the support and knowledge I have gained here. I have gone to the nutrition classes, I have spoken to my doctor, but you are all here 24/7, and are living with diabetes also. One little tidbit I keep playing over in my head and I cannot remember who uses it as their sig (forgive me) is the one that says, "that which is not measured, is not managed". I even shared that with a friend of mine who is also a diabetic. She said "WOW". She does not have regular access to a computer, so she cannot come here
Thank you all, Donna