Hello All,
I have not posted here before, but my name is bob and I have been over in UC for several years. I have also had diabetes for about 10 years. I am 48 and live in DC. I had an accident on New Years Day which turned into somewhat of a disaster - after "spraining" both ankles on the ice, it turns out that I had fractures in both feet but couldn't feel it with my neuropathy. It has in turned into severe Charcot (sharko) foot syndrome with all the associated pain and disfigurement. I am bening fitted for leg braces (think polio) to support them from disintegrating further. Obviously my life has turned way upsside down due to this and am in near constant pain - and a real inability to walk or stand for a period of time.
Does anyone else have this and how are you coping? Any similiar experiences would be appreciated.
Love to all here