Hi there everybody,
Here's my story:
Shortly after turning 54 last month, I was told I have diabetes. I still have to go through a bunch more blood tests but it looks like I'm Type 2. My 1st reading in the nurses's office at our local Diabetes Education Centre was 16.8 ... 4 hours after breakfast! She told me I was probably up around 22 a couple of hours after eating.
BTW: why does my meter read '7.2' or '8.1' while everybody else's around here reads '169' or '125' ? Is there a conversion chart around here somewhere?
Like everyone I guess, I am a little scared & confused but determined to do whatever it takes to gain control over this puppy.
The diet/nutrition thing is quite a challenge but just eating 'not-quite-so-stupid-as-I-used-to' since the visit to the nutritionist's office a few weeks ago has already lost me 8 pounds. This is mostly due to saying goodbye to McDonald's & other drive-thru eateries and also my attempts to follow the nutritionist's recommendations. My life's a little hectic (up at 5 AM ... supper at 8 PM ... bed at 10 PM) so it is difficult to regiment but I'm trying.
Did I mention I have been trying to quit smoking for the last 30 years? I know, I know ... I'm a walking timebomb. High BP, Diabetes, smoking ... all bad. Its like a treadmill; try to quit smoking ... get bad news ... start smoking ...
I WILL get healthy, no doubt. Just kinda waiting for the treadmill to slow down a bit
I feel better already and my numbers are looking much better. I'm testing 5 or 6 times a day & keeping a journal so as to give my doc lots of data to work with.
No meds yet, other than my daily high blood pressure pills. I will find out more after the blood tests and doctor visit.
Anyway, after reading most of the posts here. I figured its a great place with great people & good advice. I hope to spend much time here