Hi Teaman,
First, a fasting blood sugar of 145 is high. In the diabetic range; not just slightly elevated. You indicate yourself that this was the case for the past while (previous 2 tests). Your doc is telling you that your body is having difficulty metabolizing carbs. Meaning every time you ingest them, your body struggles to metabolize them. It certainly doesn't mean you can't eat them but there is a way to be wise about
You seem to be living a fantastic lifestyle with exercise and being conscientious with food. Good on you for that! I don't doubt that it's that lifestyle that keeps your glucose numbers much lower than they could be without all your efforts.
So, here we come to it. You're doing well with what seems to be a pretty balanced lifestyle BUT all your efforts are not enough to keep your blood sugars within an acceptable range to avoid long-term complications. You have three choices: learn more about
food and make some adjustments (what exactly is a carb anyway? portion control, etc.), or you can keep doing what you're doing and go on some meds that'll help your body perform better with keeping the glucose levels in check or a combination of both. Whatever you decide now just keep in mind... Diabetes is progressive. At some point in time you'll be faced with the same decision.
To your statements:
- I do NOT have any symptoms
*** If you mean things like excessive thirst/urination, etc..... you don't need to experience these to have diabetes. You do have at least one big symptom: high fasting blood sugars
- My doctor has NOT put me on a diet
*** He advised you to keep off sugar. What he should have said was carbs instead of sugar (carbs turn into sugar in your blood)
- My doctor has NOT put me on medication
*** But he's about
to. He's giving you the choice to amend your diet if you can or medication will be necessary to keep those blood sugar levels in check.
- If I felt that my condition was life threatening, I WOULD go on a strict diet.
*** Maybe not immediately but, diabetes is progressive so at some point those high sugar levels will affect various other organs. Some might consider heart disease, kidney failure, neuropathy, or blindness to name a few, as life threatening.
- I DO exercise
*** can't tell you how far ahead that puts you with managing this diabetes. Keep up the fantastic work!
- I DO take all of the medication my doctors prescribe
*** Again, Bravo!
- I do NOT skip medications for any reason
*** Ditto
- I HAVE modified my eating by limiting my intake of sweets and of most other kinds of food too
*** Awesome! Now the trick to understanding diabetes is food and that it's not about
"sugar" it's more specifically about
- I DO love my wife and will NOT put myself in danger of leaving this Earth
*** very conscientious and responsible of you
- My doctor has NOT told me to test my own blood/sugar
*** Yet. It really is in your best interest to start testing. You'll probably get a script
for a meter along with the Metformin. It's a gauge for telling you how you've been doing and/or what your next plans should be (where food choices are concerned).
To your questions:
*If I eat at a BBQ place and eat one slice of bread instead of two slices with my sliced pork, is that OK?
- Sure, if you think it is. How do you know? By testing your blood sugars after a meal.
*If I eat at Red Lobster (seafood) and do not eat mashed potatoes or biscuits, is that OK?
- If your limiting rice and pasta, too then, YES! Fresh seafood and veggies makes a great choice!
*If I eat a hamburger, but not more than once every two weeks, and NO fries is that OK?
- Get rid of the bun (or at least the top) and have a few fries
*If I eat a steak, but only with vegetables, is that OK?
- Another awesome meal! Just watch the portion of steak.
*If I eat one doughnut every 3 months, is that OK?
- Sure, if you think it is
*If I eat activia or some other type probiotic, is that OK?
- Many tend to be high in carbs but, YES! Probiotic yogurts and other yogurts can be great snack options.
*If I eat Life cereal with NO sugar, is that OK?
- Cereals tend to be high in carbs and empty on nutrition, especially as breakfast. Wouldn't be as high or fast a sugar spike if you ate them with protein. (Sidebar: a cup of corn flakes will raise your blood sugar higher and faster than a teaspoon of table sugar).
*If I have 2% milk, is that OK?
- Better than skim or 1% (the lower the milk fat the higher the sugar). Keep the portions controlled. Milk is a food not a drink (high in carbs).
BTW, I'm not on any strict diet. I just keep learning what works for me. Only way I know that is by testing. Can't fly blind when it comes to Diabetes. You don't actually have to count carbs like I do (I inject insulin based on the number of carbs ingested), but learning about
food can go a long way in successfully managing this disease.
Sorry for the long post but, I hope I've helped answer some of your questions