There may have been some previous discussion here, but we just wanted to alert
your group to a batch of stolen vials of the long-acting insulin
Levemir, manufactured by Novo Nordisk.
The FDA notified patients and healthcare professionals on June 13, 2009 that these stolen vials are being sold in the U.S. and may not have been stored or handled properly, and could be dangerous for patient use.
The lot numbers of the stolen Levemir vials are:
XZF0036, XZF0037 and XZF0038. Be sure to check your personal insulin supply to ensure that you don't have these vials in your possession, and read more about
the alert
on our web site at:
-stolen-levemir-insulin.html. You can also subscribe to news about
counterfeit drugs or get handouts about
counterfeit drugs in a variety of languages at