Hey Brenda,
I have lupus, and hypogycemic tendancies as well. Really bad ones. I went to an endochrinologist to find out if I actually was hypoglycemic. They did blood sugar tests while I was in a bad "crash" and both tests came back with my blood sugar as normal. Weird eh! So, the prognosis is: If you have true hypoglycemia then you either have an auto immune disease causing it, or, you have a tumor on your pancrease that is causing too much insulin. My prognosis is this. I have normal blood sugar levels even when I'm "crashing". It turns out that my seizures are causing the low blood sugar "feeling". Temporal lobe seizures can do this. So, get checked for a tumor. Get an ultrasound done. Also, find out if you have lupus. See a Rheumatologist. You can talk with us on the lupus forum if you like too. It will give you more information on lupus.