The short answer, Joni.... If you normally get up at 5:00AM and start your day, then 106 is your fasting number. If you normally get up at 7-8AM, then the 117 is really your fasting number. Your fasting number is the reading you take when you first get up and start your day.
Although 8-9 hours since eating could technically be considered as a fasting number, that number should be taken in context of the time of day to truly reflect it's value. For instance, I wouldn't consider eating breakfast at 6:00AM, skipping lunch, and testing at 4:00PM to be a fasting number (OK, a Random Fasting but not a Fasting
Our body functions almost like a clock (circadian rhythm), meaning it tends to perform the seemingly benign but important bodily functions it does, on a pretty regular & consistent basis. One thing that happens to everyone with a bed-at-night-wake-in-morning schedule (non-D included), is that somewhere around 2-4AM our bodies start releasing hormones and other stuff to get us ready and primed for waking. Including insulin, glucose, etc. Diabetics can have particular problems with this process and sometimes see Dawn Phenomenon to be the cause.
It differs for many of us so, check out the info on it to see if that might explain your situation.
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silly questions - there are none
I'm almost 5 years into Type1 and still learn something new every day.