When I took my bllod sugar earlier, my mom says, "I should let you take mine! Haha!!" I had taken hers before about
a year or so ago and it was normal as can be. Anyhow, I said that she really should let me take it and so I did and it was 238! I took it again to be sure and it was 220! Now my mom's trying to laugh it off, saying "well, I'd just eaten a pretzel rod and drank some coffee with coffee-mate in it." I STILL DO NOT believe this is a regular number! When a doc put me on metformin over 2 years ago, it was because I'd walked into the office with a 214 reading after drinking a coke a bit earlier!
My mom is 63 and has no health insurance. She hates doctors and feels that most of them are jerks (in some ways I agree with her, but...) She won't go to the low-cost clinic because of the way they had mistreated me (AND HOW!!!) I don't know what to do. I can not make her. I REALLY REALLY CAN'T.
I had noticed that she'd been saying at night how her feet are so hot/burny. She's lost some weight slowly...
I'm truly afraid and am so scared and it's not helping my anxiety either...that won't make her seek help either.