Ask your doctor about something called Dakin's Solution. It isn't a prescription and it can be made at a compounding pharmacy.
I had an ulceration of some sort on my abdomen. I tried the "Silver" and Neosporin, along with peroxide and alcohol. Nothing helped. It got to be the size of a dime and I could see my muscle! My gynecologist mentioned Dakin's Solution. I tried it and it healed that wound in about two weeks. All I had to do was use sterile pads, dab the wound, and then put a sterile pad with the solution on it over the wound. I did this twice a day. I was amazed that it kept getting smaller and smaller. It's been healed for three years so far!
Dakin's Solution was developed during WWI and was used on the battlefields for wounds. If you do a search, you will read all about it. Some say you can make your own, but I sure wouldn't try that. It wasn't expensive.