Thank you Lanie and ms. ouchie. "wd" is short for "with" ms. ouchie
On june 10, as scheduled, i met wd my doc. This time a lady physician assistant saw me. A week before, I further reduced the metformin to 250mg. a day. Same negative effects. My weight was down to 88 lbs. and I really look sick. The lady p.a.took me off metformin and put me in a 2000 calorie diabetic diet.
June 16 - brought to E.R. for fainting spell. Very weak at this point. E.R. doc took me off my bp pill (did not know bp pill i hve been taking for2 yrs has water pill in it too.) and my cholesterol pills. Lab wrks showed am normal on both counts and both pills could also have helped in my weight loss.
June 20 - Doc appt. A male p.a. this time. Explained history again. This time, noting that my blood sugar readings show I am not diabetic at all, he zeroed in on my gall stones and advised to hve my gallbladder removed. That is another issue all on its own;-).
I now have a new Internist and filed a formal complaint against that doctor who misdiadnosed me and prescribed metformin 1000mg. a day to someone who is pre-diabetic. My 30day average sugar reading is 94. I also gained 8 lbs in two weeks. My appetite is back. And the birds are singing;-)
Thank you. God bless you all. Will update you<3