I am just wondering how you go about being diagnosed with insulin resistance? I have had a fasting insulin level which was normal as well as a Glucose Tolerance Test with Insulin
The results for the glucose test with insulin are kind of throwing me off
The glucose levels were normal except for at the 2 hour mark my glucose was lower then normal
The thing I am confused about is that the insulin levels didnt have a reference range. It just says that "Insulin levels vary considerably and ust be interpreted in relation tothe serum/plasma.
SO my question is THIS:
Is there any hard and fast rules about diagnosing insulin resistance as in ... If your insulin levels are so much higher at the one hour mark then the fasting then that means you have resistance?
I found ONE site that said that if your insulin levels at the one hour mark are 5 or more times higher then your fasting level then that indicated insulin resistance but thats the only site I saw that on.
IF you have been diagnosed with insulin resistance and you have your lab results can you share them with me?