Boy am I glad I found this forum. I am a 50 year old male, type one (23 +) years and have NEVER had control over my diabetes, HbA1C, blood sugar. Even with Gold standard Health insurance seeing the best Endo's, Diabetes educators, pump specialists I have ALWAYS struggled. My BS's ranged from and average of 240-320, with most HbA1C's in the 8-12 range. With all that said I have never quit trying to be healthy, It was my mission in life to figure out how I could live long enough to see my children grow to be adults. (I married at 37 and had my 3rd child at 44 so I have a ways to go yet .)
Even with these statistics I have been pretty lucky in the lack of degenerative complications. I had a significant stoke at age 39, but made a 99% recovery. I have had multiple problems with my joints (frozen shoulder x3, trigger finger surgery x2, tennis elbow, etc.) but not any significant eye problems, kidney issues, but over the last year my feet have started to show signs of nerve damage. And in the words of "Red" from Shawshank redemption "Better get busy living, or get busy dying".
My Wife and my Endo's PA (Physician's Assistant) are best friends (they talk about me behind my back so I cant get away with anything. ) Eat right, exercise, take my insulin, check my bloodsugar. I don't eat sweets and count my carbs, So I've always been resentful that I haven't been more "normal" but my labs wouldn't ever show normal results. There advice to me was always More Insulin, more sticks, be more diligent. Only to suffer from more weight gain, more aches and pains, more highs and lows, more depression and anxiety. I have been on this roller coaster from the past 20+ years. Quite frankly I cant believe that my wife has put up with me all this time. She is an angel!
She and my PA have suggested to me a program they offer at the clinic (in a neighboring town much larger than ours), which is where my PA works. She has been having some outstanding results with most of her type two's and thought it was possible I could do the same. I'm stubborn and was not going to be bullied into trying something by these two women.
Well, after years of encouraging me, I have finally caved. I have been diligent following this outline for the past month (where I had only dabbled in it before, with mixed results). I am down 15 lbs. my blood sugars are averaging 135. (7 finger sticks/day) I am so excited for the 1st time in the past 23 years that I may be able to control my diabetes and be at a normal weight (My BMI was in the obese range now moved to the overweight range) I am thrilled and cant wait to report the great results to this forum next month.
My hope is to give other type I's and Type II's hope. If I could help just one feel what I feel currently , It would be worth it.
My thoughts and prayers are out there with you