Good morning, you two. Good grief, you're up early! I thought white-coat syndrome was for blood pressure? Anyway, your blood sugar readings were great the night before bed and in the morning! Congratulations! Maybe changing what you're eating, even just a little, has made a little change in the fasting morning blood sugar.
I think your doctor is being very vigilant with you, trying to make sure you don't live for years with just 'elevated' blood sugar before getting to the point where your blood sugar is very high all the time. I think that's good but I also think he (she?) should prescribe a meter. That's what my doctor did because I also have type 2 on my mother's side - but I think my doctor should have started me on this road a lot earlier. I was pretty dumb about all this in the beginning.
Anyway, if you keep that journal with the food, then you'll know what food elevated the blood sugar.
I sounds like you're going to be in control of your health!