Hi trin123, welcome to HealingWell. My gosh, I'm so sorry you're going through all this. First, you need to know that no one is a doctor here. We can only offer what we know or think. I don't know exactly what's going on.
On paper, your blood sugar is probably exactly normal except for the 136 an hour after a decent meal. The only food in it that could have caused that spike was the baked potato. Your other readings were great. What's not great is how you're feeling. At those blood sugar results, you should not have been feeling like that because those readings are not truly hypos. On the other hand, a person who had been living with really high blood sugar who then comes down to these normal ranges might actually feel exactly as you described. The puzzle is that you said your A1c last year was 4.6, which is an average of about 82 (right at "normal"). However, this is only an average. What you might not know is if your blood sugar spiked really high and dipped really low or if it had been more or less level.
So, I am not sure what to think exactly other than you should see an endocrinologist. He or she could order different kinds of tests that might indicate what's really going on. When patients have episodes like this, their doctors usually tell them to eat smaller meals more frequently and not to overload on carbs because if you overdo carbs, you may spike high and then crash and this would give you more uneasy feelings. So, it's good that you are eating every few hours and I would make the protein and vegetables and no more baked potatoes. Or, try half a potato or just mash one potato and eat part of it (maybe half or less than half).
This is presuming your episodes are related to blood sugar which is why I think you need to see an endo in order to confirm if you're having blood sugar problems or not, and maybe some other tests like thyroid or anemia. There may be other physical reasons for these episodes.
I wish you could get in to see the doctor sooner than one month! Any chance of getting an earlier appointment? Or, could you go ahead and see an endo sooner? Does your doctor know everything that you've experienced as you've written here? heart palpitations, agitation, and all that?
I wish I could help more. Maybe others can respond with some answers. In the meantime, keep your eating plan.