Just wanted to post some info for the newbies or the regulars who may not be familiar with all the stuff on the site.
When you look at this page there is a dark blue bar that has :
Log Off | Control Panel | Home | Calendar | Chat | Search | Members | Help
You can go or do whatever the button says. If you click on the Chat button it will bring up a chat window separate from your other window. Enter your name and password and click on the room you want to enter. If someone else is in the mood to chat they will enter that room also and off you go... Please remember to click on the little red and white exclamation point button when you enter chat. Then if no one else is in the room you can go back to reading posts. The chat window will pop forward to the front of your screen when someone else enters the room you're in.
Members button will take you to a list of all members. When you click on a member's name you will be taken to their personal info page where you can find out anything they have listed about
themselves as well as where their last five posts are.
The light blue bar has
HealingWell.com Community > Diseases & Conditions > Fibromyalgia > Site Navigation 101
Each of those is a link. By clicking on the 'diseases and conditions' button you will go to the master list of all the forums. By clicking on the 'Fibromyalgia' button you will return to the home page of this forum. Forum quick jump is pretty obvious.
In the white area under that on the Fibromyalgia page there is a "New Topic" button where you click if you want to start a new thread. Next to that is a "SORT' field where you can choose how you want the forum to appear on your browser. I like to sort by "Last Comment" because that way I can see who was online last and what was posted. When you are on the actual thread page there are three buttons, New Topic | Post Reply | Printable Version. I like to read through the posts before I post my reply so I never use those buttons. The threads make more sense if you read what everyone has to say before you enter your reply at the bottom. If you enter a quick reply you don't have emoticons to play with and you must click the submit button to post. If you want to enter a more elaborate reply then click on the 'Post Reply' button where you can do all kinds of fun stuff to your reply.
In the lists you can click on a topic to see what is being discussed, click on a member name to be taken to their personal page, check out how many views a topic has had and how many people have responded to that post.
Under the postings list there are some blue bars that are pretty boring... but one is kind of cool. It's called the "Who's Online" bar. It tells you who our newest member to Healingwell is, and it tells you who is online right now at healingwell. If you click on the word "Details" it will tell you where each member is on the site. When you visit the Details page you will see a large number of 'Guest' visitors. Most of them are not people but 'spiders' or site robots who scan the pages for relevant information for search engines, email addresses for spammers, topics for advertisers and similar things. By checking out the Who's Online area of the page as soon as you enter the site you will be able to see if there is someone you want to chat with and sometimes you can enter a new topic-- Jeannie? Chat? and we can meet in the chat room.
This concludes my lesson for the day.