I think it was a small investment at this time and hopefully I will get some feedbacks from DIABETICINE users so I can make a clear decision on taking the product.
Not looking for arguments about the product just responses which can be negative as well as positive. Since I am the one who has to ultimately make the decision on using it, I will evaluate the responses, with thanks.
Dear FK-
I'm new to the Forum and will give you a more positive spin on Diabeticine. Eight years ago I was diagnosed with Rhuematoid Arthritis, for which I take approximately seven different drugs daily. So far, in spite of having to give up my entire life, they've kept me vertical, if somewhat unsteady. Three years ago I was diagnosed with steroid (one of the RA drugs) induced Hypertension with added another four drugs to the daily regime. And in February 2006, I was diagnosed with steroid induced Diabetes. I thought life had officially ended and I'd just been notified.
After a really good crying jag and a pretty extensive "pity party" I turned on the computer to start doing some research. I wasn't looking for a miracle but I was looking for ideas that didn't include adding more pharmaceuticals to the ever growing list.
Eventually I found the Diabeticine. Like almost everyone who's posted here, I was sceptical as well. The old saying of "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is" comes to mind, but having read their disclaimer, I figured what do I have to lose? If it doesn't work or doesn't agree with me, it has a money back guarantee. So I ordered it.
When I received it, I spent several days looking up absolutely every ingredent on the bottle. Each and every one of them specifically states that it's used for, or suspected of having the properties for reducing blood sugar and/or hypertension. So I started taking it as instructed on the bottle.
My numbers in February were a blood glucose average of 256 and an A1C of 10.5 and yes, I was, and still am extremely overweight. (another gift of the steroids)
Today my blood sugar readings are averaging around 130 which the doctor says are still waaay to high, which may be so. But down from 256, and still going down, I'm not unhappy with them. Plus, even without being able to "exercise", I've still managed to lose 45 pounds in three months. I've also just had an A1C reading done and while I don't know what the actual number is yet (with the holiday weekend), the Doctor's message on my voice mail yesterday was, and I quote, "Your A1C is wonderful. It seems the Diabeticine really worked."
All without any of the pharmaceuticals the doctors originally were trying to push on me.
And I'll just add this as well... I'm feeling better than I have in quite a long time and I'll give some of the credit to the Diabeticine. Maybe it's not specifically responsible, but the results from taking it are benefiting me in other ways.
Boy! Am I long-winded or what?