I have been monitoring my blood sugar for about
three weeks. I have been feeling really tired for several months. I get thirsty and pee all of the time. My fasting blood sugar is from 120 to 130 mg/dl. In the afternoon and before I go to bed it usually is between 220 and 290 mg/dl. I know that is over the normal limit on the high end, but how high is it really? How high does the blood sugar have to go before you start getting damage and complications?
I went to my doctor seven days ago. She did several lab tests. She also had the lab do a 2 hour glucose tolerance test. I do not know the results of any of these tests. She told me that she would set me up with a dietician. She told me to come back and see her in one month. I guess I really just want to know if I have diabetes or not? I just assumed that if there was a problem with the lab tests she would let me know. I am still as much in the dark now as I was before I went to see her.
So without an official diagnosis of diabetes are my blood sugars really too far out of line?
Thanks, Kevin.