I am SO glad that I have found this board! I was just diagnosed with Type II diabetes, high blood pressure and osteoarthritis last Thurs. On top of that, I also have an Ileostomy due to severe Ulcerative Colitis which I had 25 yrs ago so I am pretty used to that. It saved my life! So now I am on GlucotrolXL for the diabetes. My problem now is that the med goes right through me whole and intact. It is a time released med so I think that may be the problem. I called my doc and she wants me to stop taking the med. My numbers have been in the "normal" range everyday, I have changed my diet all around and am exercising daily. The problem though is that my doctor wants to put me on INSULIN....I think she is jumping the gun here, there must be some sort of med she can put me on to keep my numbers in check. I only met her last Thurs and she diagnosed me then. My test then had me at 377 but I had eaten a donut with sugar that morning too. She did an A1C on me and it was in the "9" range and she said it should be around 6. So now my numbers after changing are 140 and lower.
What I would like here is some opinions on what this doctor wants to do with me. I really feel that changing my diet and exercising are doing me wonders and that there must be something she can prescribe to keep things in check.
Thanks for your wonderful board!