C'mon Bear -
Time to calm down. If your overall average is 110, then your A1c will be 5.3. Even 120 (5.6) is not REALLY high- it's well within the accepted ranges for the ADA, and the ACE.
You are doing just fine- your sugar is still stabilizing (3 months is not a long time in the grand scheme of things). All this stress will drive up your numbers because you are pumping out adrenaline/cortisol and other nasty hormones that drive up blood glucose numbers, blood pressure, and blood lipids.
A fasting of under 100 is a GOAL not a mandate. I personally know a guy who has a fasting of 130 most days, but who eats low carb and exercises 2 hours a day- his A1c was 5.0 last time around.
I'd be more concerned about what you average all day long, how stable is that? What is your number right before you go to bed? How long do you sleep? When does your nighttime number start to climb?- This information is far more relevant than the A1c - which reflects the average of all that stuff.
My A1c for the past 6 months has been 5.2 - my fasting is always close to or just over 100- I go to bed most days at 89-92 and wake up at 97-104 - this is essentially the same number (well within the precision limits of our meters). When I have tested at random times thorughout the night- the number is always close to my normal range- so I conclude that my BG is nice and stable all the time- I think that is far more healthy than having an A1c that is a 5.0 but reflects large swings in BG (like my friend above - his post exercise numbers are in the 60's- mine are in the low 80's).
I read somewhere recently that the A1c of an average diabetic is in the area of 8.7! Now that's scary!
Most folks here and on other discussion boards(the long timers who contribute regularly) are very concerned with getting and keeping their numbers as close to 'normal' as possible. I'd wager to say that the long timers- are not the average diabetic - we probably scare them away. My own doctor considers me a fanatic - so be it.
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you- but you won't need it. Just get your happy dance ready- you'll be needing it! sandy