Hi everyone,
I am writing in the US and I am finally seeking some feedback outside the few Dr's I have seen in my community. I am going to share my long story. It is a mild one, no terrible stuff - and I am grateful for this - I look forward to any insight you all have.
Back in August 2007 I was working out and doing alot of spinning around when I suddenly found myself lying neatly on the floor of the gym, next to my exercise mat, knees bent. I had no idea where I was it first, I had not hit my head. Once I realized where I was I got up, realized I was really nauseous and managed to actually drive myself to the emergency room where much conjecture happened. We all went on as usual.
I continued to work out but any aerobics or dance class and I would get really dizzy and need to step aside.
Then about a month later I was at work at fell out of my chair. Arms above the head, jerking, not conscious for about about 30-60 seconds and then awake, disoriented, nauseous, get the bathroom, throw up etc, and must lie down for at least 6-12 hours.
Now, I can feel them coming on - I do not feel well, want to put my head down and typically say something like, "I do not fell well, I really do not feel well" and then I'm gone. I have had about 12 total. 4 prior to getting on "trileptal" antisiezure medication in October. My iron is normal, sodium normal. What gives?
Last actual siezure was in March and since then I have had several moments where I have felt like one may be coming on, but I do not have a siezure.
As I think back on strange feelings that are similar, I can think of a time in my 20's (I am 44 now) when I had simialr preseizure mental states, almost like a waking dream state. They started as intriguing, with my grandmother prominent, they they got negiteve and scary in a generalized sort of way. I saw my naturopath at the time, told her I wondered if I was goign crazy and hallucinating) and she asked if I was eating right and I was not. I changed my eating habits, the event stopped.
Over the last year I have also experince similar strange intensity of feelings - overwhelming feelings of love and compassion while just sitting at my desk at work. I chaulked it up to my spiritual intuneness for lack of a better expression.
Now, I wonder if all this activity is due to some brain activity that I do not understand.
Put this all together with being a mildly moody, kinda philosophical person. What does it all mean? Is it related to hormonal changes? Not MRI or EEG show anything. I do not smoke, drink, could get more exercize, but am not overweight, etc, etc.
Even if I never know why it is happening, is there something I can do to make this stop? Read about Chakra's, have dreamt about lapis lazuli, have dreamt about my "ghosts" inside and need to set them free - regrets and resentments I suppose, really would like to start driving again, feel not quite right most of the time, feel side effects from drug coming on more regularly.
Who is getting therapy, who is getting releaved of this and how? What spirtual elements have folks considered? Is there anyone out there doing research the I could contact?
Lots of thoughts.