Hi I'm new to the board.
I have complex partial seizures located in my left temperal lobe. I've had epilepsy for about 7 years now. It was due to a head injury I had.
For the past three years my siezures are mostly controlled. I do not lose my awareness now.
Before my seizures would begin with a severe dejavu feeling, breathing would become difficult and everything in my vision and hearing would disappear. Then I would hallucinate. In a completely different place with ppl around. I would be so confused and then I would get the feeling that I understood what was happening. Next thing I was back here, in reality. And could not remember what I'd seen or heard only the feelings I'd had. Usually the dejavu and fear. My speech and thinking is then scramble from 30 minutes to 3 hrs later.
You can imagine before i was diagnosed, I was terrified, I was schitzophrenic. My husband thought I was phycic, my mother thought I was having visions, and my dad thought I was on drugs. The peanut gallery! After suffering nearly 2 years I finally saw the doctor and was relieved with a dx of epilepsy.
As I said I've not lost awareness in three years. I still get the dejavu, and pick at my fingers and clothes. My speech gets slower and slurred. But I am fully aware of what is happening.
Anyway, that's my intro. HOpe I get to meet everyone on here.