My son has epilepsy and a heart condition and a problem with his blood where he shouldn't smoke and I have autoimmune and liver disease. My son has deterioriated since jut before his last big grand mal. I'm so afraid about
the people he is running with because they are so wasted all the time they would not call 911 if he had a seizure and had trouble like a heart attack and they keep buying him alcohol etc... urging him and pressuring him.
The main problem is a fifty year old woman who is mentally ill (supposedly has a military background but I don't believe it since she is prone to delusions). She is a hardcore alcoholice. She and the store near her house have sold my son alcohol though he is twenty and she is driving him around drunk, comig to get him whenI'm not home to take him to her house and not bringing him home to get his medicine, so he goes without and is psychotic and screaming at me like schizophrenic. I don't know if he'd had seizures at his house, but I don't like her driving him around.
She is pretty nuts and has gotten herself prescript
ions for pain meds and adderal and admitted smokes and my son gets crazy on that stuff, gets really stupid and just does anything anyone tells him. She succeeded in getting him thrown out of school and acts as though there sexual attachment to my son, despite the age difference and she looks like sheis very very sick she is very skinny, not to mention nuts and clingy. When I met her I realized that she had called my house once pretending to be amental health worker calling at my son's request and she managed to get alot of info from me about
my son. The police refused to tell me if this was illegal.
I have tried to deal with the police, who obviosly know who she is since she had a recent domestic incident where she was beaten and every window, appliance and even plumbing in her house was beaten in with a sledge hammmer. I'm so glad my son wasn't there. My son is dumb enough to try to protect this woman and get hit or killed, or the stress could put him into seizure.
He has lost his license due to a DUI riding withthis woman. I am thoroughly disgusted and frightened it will be a wreck next time.
I was told she was an ex-military single mom whose son my son met in college. She refused to give me the address where my son was, claiming she didn't know the "number" and I wouldn't find it, and she had to "take" me. She sprayed herself with a gallon of cologne to cover the booze smell and I had to follow her.
The local police--happy to arrest my son for underage drinking--will not prosecute this woman who bought it for him. I'm at my wits end. I found out a few weeks ago that she got my son hooked on methadone and he ended up in jail in withdrawals. Stupidly, I bonded him out, now she is trespassing in my opinion by coming to pick my son up.
My son says I'm a control freak whojust doesn't want him to go anywhere, that I want to keep him in prison, but how can I let him be used and abused by these people whoget him to do stupid things, go to jail for them for their DUIS, drive him drunk, give him booze and drugs, get him addicted to hard drugs, probably smoke crack or something like it, and wont even make sure he gets home to get his medicine, let alone keep him straight.
I had him all straightened out and ready to work. NOw he can't pas a drug test--again. I'm beginning to want to revoke his bond and put him back in jail. At least I won't worry.
The judge says becuse he obviously can't make rational decisions and support himself and is progressing to chronic homelessness and addiction and is non-compliant, that I should get his rights taken away and make him a ward of the state or something. I hate doingthat to him.
He used to be such a bright kid, taking college algebra and getting great grades, until he met this kid and started on drugs. Now his brain is gone. We are alll worried the damage is permanant from seizures while using drugs. Or maybe its the natural progression of his epilepsy and he is losing intellect and the drugs are his way of dealing with it. I don't know. But he has so many charges he will never beemployed. Mental heath wont see him because hes non-compliant, won't do or take what they prescrbe, misses appointments. I can't handle it anymore and he just screams at me that I'm a piece o**** and just don't want him to have any fun or freedom.
This woman is really really bad. Am I wrong. I just can't let go like this. I also think this woman deserves to pay the piper for what she is doing and has done to my son. Only through her arrest ad incarceration will my son believe that what she has done is wrong. My son isn't real bright now. I'm the bad guy. If he had good friends, I wouldn't care. Butevery good person that has tried to help him, from AA and other places, he has burned numerous times and they just wont' deal with him anymore.
The consensus is that my son either needs to be institutionalized longterm in prison or a mental facility until he reaches a level of maturity where he understands that he must be ale to support himself and notbreak the law.
I don't know what to do. Any advice would be appreciated. My son is fast becoming mentally challenged and losing intellect. What do I do? Talking to my son does no good because he claims that these people are the only peoplethat will ever take him in and they have done a number on him convincing him they love him andthey are his "real" family, and I'm the enemy.
Reason for Edit:
I have had to take a few pieces out of your post as we have to be careful about
content since we have minors who use the site.
Post Edited By Moderator (djdaz_1985) : 11/21/2008 5:45:46 AM (GMT-7)