Sounds like you might have a mild case of sleep apnea, this is what's causing your nocturnal seizures.
If your brain isn't getting enough oxygen due to mild Sleep Apnea, (from snoring or sleeping on your back, or anything else that could be causing an airway blockage)and you find yourself waking up in a "postictal" state (out of it, confused, angry or over agressive or still feeling tired and not rested) you should get your Doctor to refer you to a sleep specialist. They will do an EEG while you sleep.
You may find out that you have seizures during your sleep as a result of you stopping breathing and possibly reduce your medication. (AEDs)
This could cure other health problems as well such as: no more nocturnal seizures, no more waking up with a headache or in a post ictal state, more energy, better blood ciculation, more energy, decrease in the risk of heart attack and/or stroke.
Maybe it's worth checking into.