Hi all!
This is my first time here & my first post. I was amazed to find several people experiencing the same speach-related siezure activities. I can relate to all here and greatly appreciate HealingWell giving us the opportunity to discuss and hopefully help all our situations.
Most of my siezure activities have been of the grand-mal type (for which I am taking medication for), but have been experiencing more and more speach related episodes. I have/am experiencing episodes much like Ginny, Andy193, and RanMan. Lots of time lately, when I have these speach/hearing related episodes, I might see something and I will "hear" my brain processing what I see, and then "hear" my brain telling me what the item is. Like Andy193, conversations and voices are like listening to someone speaking a language nobody can understand. Most of these episodes last one to three minutes or so with varying degrees of intensity. I can relate most of this to stress situations (mostly work - small wonder huh lol).
I use to have deja-vue like episodes once in a while, but havent had one for about two years now. I also experience tremors occosionally (again stress related) that were attributed to too high Dilantin level. My last medication adjustment was for this and has helped, but I now have more of the hearing/speach episodes.
My current medication dosage consists of 560mg. of Dilantin and 200mg. of Keppra daily. I try to keep dosages as close to 12hrs apart as I can, but with my job and daily activities, sometimes take dosages as much as 3-4 hours past when i should. I can usually relate any siezure activities to irregular (and sometimes missed) dosage times.
One question I have centers around a TV show I saw recently concerning a child who experienced frequent and violent grand mal siezures. He was put on a strict diet which reduced his siezures and allows him to lead a pretty much normal life. Does anyone know of this diet and will it work for adults?
Thanks, and hope to hear from you soon!