I'm a 22 year old perfectly healthy female...aside from this stupid temporal lobe epilepsy!!! It is terrible! I don't pass out or convulse. I just get this strange Deja vu feelings extremely bad! It is like I've been there before but a billion times stronger...the feeling that accompanies the deja vu is horrible. I can't even explain it. It is sometimes is so strong it makes me vomit where ever I am...this means parks, parking lots, hotels! Luckly for me all the vomiting has only happened in front of my best friend and he is very understanding of my condition. I thought about
taking medicine but the medicine they want to put me on cause weight loss and I'm all ready stick and bones as it is. It also causes memory loss....I don't have the best memory as it is lol. The Dr's. said if I started taking it and stop ( or just forgot to take the medicine for several days ) it can cause a full falling on the floor convulsing type of seizure. This scares me because as I stated I don't have the greatest memory as it is...so remembering to taking medication avidily would be a problem for me. I feel like the only one in the world that goes through this. I juts need some reassurance I guess...to know that there are people out there like me going through simular things.
It happened to me three times yesterday!!!!!! Once at church, once at home, once when I was almost asleep! Then it happened 3 days prior at a park. =\ It hasnt happened this much in years...that was before I knew it was epilepsy though.! I just though I got weird off feelings...