Nikki, I am the new one on the block ..not new to seizures ..new to the board.. but I have to tell you all I know about Catamenial Seizures... Wow amazing.. I just read on an earlier post about those and I made a comment.. you see they are more common then we all think !!!
Anyhow... Yes ... Only you know your body.. I argued for years with my first nuero that I trusted.. that my seizures seemed the worst around that time... about 5 days before my cycle.. I keep logs to this day... the cycle is not as accurate as it was for 10 years I knew what day I was going to have a problem.....now that I am getting older it is changing.... But anyway... I knew my problem ... but my doc didnt.....
Finally I switched neurologists...switched gyns....and I went to a special neuro that deals with seizure disorder with women......mind you she moved to California... does me no good..... but there are others out there.....
I had a Gran mal with my first pregnancy....I was 6 months pregnant... I knew after that, all the time around the time, of my period to stay home !!!! I could feel it coming on... I just felt wierd....
OK... 10 years later... the auras were not working anymore.... I know like you.. you say you know when they are coming.... well, not to scare you... believe me ... I would never try to do that... I am just trying to make you aware.... I wish I had someone to tell me about half of the stuff, I know now that I should of known 15 years ago.....OK .... Sorrry back to the Subject.. ......
The auras werent working anymore.... I was on Tegretol for a good 10 years.... and it just stopped working for me.... Put it this way.... I dont work.... but I do drive.... I also have 3 kids so I drive alot, just to get them around..... I have had times.... when I dont know where the heck I am..... I get lost....
I dont have gran mals.... I dont know about you..... I mean I just lose it for a moment.... I can stop at a red light .... I stop at a stop sign.... I follow all the rules... but it isnt right.... its dangerous......
I always knew when this was going to happpen...my " spaceouts " then all of a sudden I lost control...
My point is .... just be aware .... its scary ... you never know....I am sorry if I sound like I am trying to preach or something... because believe me I am not !!! I think I would crawl in a hole if my liscence got taken away ..... I already told my husband.... I could not deal with it.....
Now meds..... The hormone specialist neuro.... first wanted to put me on birth control pills to stop my periods .... to balance out my monthly hormones.......she said if I went on the pill.... and took them all month long... not get my period at all....... stop my period all together.....for 6 months at a time ... it would balanace my hormones monthly.....This woman is a Big Wig in New York.... She actually just moved to California to do a study though so I dont think she is taking care of patients anymore.... She suggested that..... OR.... like someone else said on the board taking extra meds around that time of the month.....
One more thing..... This doc is also the one that reccommended the Keppra for me.... Which I have to say has been helping me seizure wise..... I have had the best seizure control in years on Keppra.....She started me on 1000mg a day though and I couldnt handle it so I cut down.... and slowly went back up to 750mg with the Zonegran 200mg a day..... I have to honestly say with my seizures I have been excellent control...... the best in years.... Although my mood is horrible.....
Then again.... I am a 38 year old mother of 3 and wife.... so I guess I have the right to be cranky ..
Just being a stay at home mom is enough to drive anyone nuts huh !!! LOL !!! ok sorry for the long post..... I just like to share my knowledge when I can.... If I can help others ... I at least feel I did something in this world besides the dishes !!!!
I hope I didnt bore you.... next time I will make it shorter
Have a good one...