traciem, You're story sounds a lot like mine. I was diagnosed with epilepsy back in Feb at the age of 32. I went from being active, working out 5 times a week, to not doing much other than working.
My first seizure was in Feb. 2012 at my house. It was around midnight and I was trying to fall asleep in my bed when suddenly I got extremely nausea and had to run to the bathroom to vomit. After I finished I was on the way to my bed when I passed out and face planted into the floor. luckily, my husband was there and eventually helped me to bed and that's when I had my first seizure.
My second and hopefully last one, was a year later Feb. 2013. I worked all day and then went to do a spin class at the gym and worked out a bit after the hour class. I went home and was laying in bed around 9 pm and had a seizure. my husband was there and witnessed it again. I remember for weeks before that seizure, I had severe shin splints which I never had before. I was working out 5 times a week, about 90 mins each time and drinking a ton of water since I was sweating a lot. After that seizure, a neurologist put me on keppra which I didn't tolerate well and now i'm on trileptal.
I'm starting to wonder if the second was caused by a low sodium level. Since I was working out a lot and was extremely dizzy and not feeling quite normal for awhile before that. Maybe its just a coincidence that I had another seizure and not really epilepsy ? I really want to be able to live life without being on an AED for the rest of my life. have you noticed any leg cramps or anything out of the norm? My sodium level was 135 a couple weeks ago and my neurologist is having me take another blood test in a couple weeks to see how it is. Also, my mother had epilepsy when she was alive, so many ppl think that has something to do with me inheriting it from her in some way. which, up until recently, I've thought that's the case.
it's also difficult for me to do anything other than work on a daily basis. are you working full time? I really hope at some point my life will get back to normal at some point