I have psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures. Have since 2004.
In July I swerved to miss a deer and ended up in a ditch. Someone told the police I have a history of seizures so now I get a letter saying they will suspend my license until I am seizure free for 6 months.
I never had a seizure the day of the accident, before or after.
My seizures are like panic attacks. Only happen in extreme stress or if I'm really upset. I've never had one while driving or in a moment of responsibility.
Driving is my independence. I live where there are no buses, no taxi's. Not driving means walking MILES (like 20 miles to the nearest gas station), or sitting at home for months. This stress will not help my seizures!
I've never had a positive EEG. Both of my neuro's refused to sign the papers but wrote that my Dx is not epilepsy.
I'm asking for an appeal.
I drive to therapy twice a week, church, building a business, doctor appointments, etc and its crucial for my progress...
Think I have any chance?