I have a 19 month old son,who has Epilepsy among some other medical issues which are still trying to be ruled out..such as a metabolic disorder..On Monday after putting my son to bed,I had went in to check on him..Found him seizing and his lip's were very blue...after calling for help..He was taken to the E-R to be monitored..He has been sick for the last two week's..Med's have been extremely hard to get in him.They did a level on him,it had come back at a 7 ..I was told this is extremely low..he should be at 90-100..So they now put him on liquid Depakene..4ml every 8 hours..So far he really likes the taste of the medicine..I am wondering if there is any type of an alarm or anything to put in a crib,that would go off with movement or something due to a seizure..I was told that there is an alarm for sid's...Also I am inquiring to the doctor about an apnea monitor,for him to wear during nap and at bed time..This is not the first time that he has turned blue..Sorry if this does not make sense..I am very scared,frustrated and confused..If anyone has any helpful advice I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IT..I am still waiting to here back from the neurorolgist..
~Stephanie [email protected]