I am responding to "jerking" twitching and eventually build up to grand mail post!!!! Your not alone!!!!! I ham 49 and have been epileptic sine 3!!! Have broken my back 13 times and only started getting auras after 35..the twitching build up is what my neuro calls putting wood on the fire that builds up to a bonfire of a grand mail clinic tonic!! I have been on dialantin, valporic, keppra, you name it ALL of them NONE worked and surgery was out. Final the combo of zonegran for grand mall (400 mg daily) and celontin for twitching to cut the grand mall off at the pass (900 mg) daily worked BT that time those doses didn't zomify me after all it was my norm. But still have break thrust and break things with falls..have oster-genisis- imperfects..lucky Me
but I'm alive. Alive..and after three near deaths zonegran is a drug under used and lifesaving. Waring rare side effect in beginning is similar to chemo..throwing up and loss of huge clumps of hairs but it passed in 9 mos. And its rare..again I was lucky? Hell of a diet plan lost 50 lbs..and was thin to start. Dont give up....hugs....now to talk to a posted about
er ******scwho treat us like junkies!!;;