I have Partial Seizuresand I'm taking KEPPRA,LAMICTAL, AND TEGRETOL XR. I've had seizures since I was 3 years old. It started when I had a little accident. I fell from a swing and landed on my head then later that night was when I had my first epesode. The type of information that I'm trying to fine is like new treatments that I have'nt tried of info that I have'nt heard of. For instant I know about EEG'S, MRI'S, CT SCANS, AND SURGERY. I have'nt tried surgery because I think it's kind of risky and I've heared from all the doctors that I've seen for the seizures that I have they don't recommend it. As for medications I've taken KEPPRA,LAMICTAL,TEGRETOL,TEGRETOL XR,DILANTIN, AND one more medication I forgot the name of but any ways that's the type of info I'm looking for.
PositivePerson said...
What kind of seizures do you have? What are your meds? How long have you had epilepsy?
What kind of info are you looking for? We need info to compare our life experience to yours,to see if we can help. Seizures vary from person to person.
Positive Person
ps: welcome to the forum