I've been taking dilantin or the generic in recent years for maybe 10 years. I have grand mal seizures - so when i have one i'm out for the count! and can't even go back to work for almost 2 days. the dilantin was a life-saver. as for hair - very very little an i've been taking it a long time.
i've had no facial hair - but once in a while i'll get like a single strange hair growing on the underside of my arm. i only notice it because it's black as coal, and i'm a dirty blonde. it hasn't been a big deal for me - i pluck it and go on.
i'm just thankful the dilantin controls my seizures. as there are a lot of people out there who can't find the right medication.
i'd ask your dr. about your concerns. perhaps he can put it in the "right light" or put you on a diff. medication.
if i had weird hair growing all over or on my face i'd be concerned too, but it just hasn't happened. God bless!