I just found out my 4 yr. old has petit mal. He took an eeg and it came back abnormal. I saw him have a seizure during the test. I couldn't believe it when they first told me his black outs were seizures. I did some research on the computer and what I read was exactly what he was doing. My son was put on Depakene and is scheduled to take a MRI. The medicine has slowed down the number of times he has these seizures throughout the day. I never know when they're coming and neither does he.
Congrats on your permit!!! Your mom is just trying to keep you safe as well as others. My son will walk out into the street sometimes during his seizures. I'm afraid that something might happen to him when he's at camp or if for that one second when he lets go of my hand while were walking. It's hard for parents to control their emotions too. But we love our children and always want to keep you safe.
Stay encouraged!!