Hi Dinger57. I know this sounds easy for me to say, but there is no need to scared(although I must admit I was nervous also before my op), I assume you have been through all the various tests to see if you are a suitable candidate for surgery, telemetry EEG, spect scans , Physcologists to test your current capabilities and other specialists to see if your body is mentally capable of handling the op,just to name a few. If your surgeon believes you are a suitable candidate and he has given you a good percentage rate of success, I would doubt you will come out of the op with any scary damage to you.( my surgeon told me my rate of sucess was 70% chance of CURE,which astounded me as no one has ever said they could cure me). I am now approaching 12 weeks since my operation and have not had any turns.
I have experienced some problems regaining normal eyesight,by normal I mean the same as I had before the operation. I saw my surgeon last week and he believes my eyes will be normal within 6 months.When I was in hospital I was given steriods for my entire stay, twice a day, this is to help reduce the swelling around the eyes that occurs as a result of surgery,the swelling normally appears about 2 days after the op ,and the area around your eyes will go black-dont worry, if you are given steriods like I was it should disappear within 3-4 days.
The only other evidence of my operation is some very slight swelling around the face near my left ear and of course the scar on my head from the cut ,which now you would not know was there as my hair has covered it completly and there is no pain from scar at all,I do have a slight numbness on my left side of head which I am only aware of when I brush my hair,the surgeon said the nerves there will take about another 9 months to reconnect ,so even the numbness will go away eventually.
One thing I did do before I went to hospital , because I wanted re assurance incase anything did go wrong,just like you are worrying now. I got an enduring power of attorney,for one of my parents to take control of all my financial affairs and to have the legal right to be able to do things on my behalf. I dont know what the laws are where you live but it must be an enduring power of attorney here. Doing this helped give me peace of mind.
I had no memory loss but that coulld be due to the fact that all the functions normally performed in the left temporal lobe,including memory, had switched to my right temporal lobe as a child. This was only discovered when I had the fMRI scan done.
I hope you have been able to get into a private hospital or at the very least single room accomadation in the hospital. I was fortunate and had both .
I wont go on with more at the momement I dont want you to worry un necessarily,take care ,and I hope that all goes really well for you. Keep in touch.