My son started having symptoms at the age of 4. He will soon be 6. We took him to the Dr. and he told us that they were allergies. I am not so sure. I need some help figuring this mystery out. Would you read them and tell me what you think?
The episodes are always the same and always before noon.
He wants water.
His stomach hurts.
He is shaking and scared and eyes might swell up with tears.
He loses his energy and cannot talk loud at all.
He then starts to vomit clear liquid. But the weird thing is his chest makes all sorts of noises like clicking sounds. Almost like a spasm. Lots of clicking. Never seen anything like it ever. I have 4 kids and never ever seen it.
Then he will be totally tired and sleep for 5 or 6 hours.
He will wake up and his throat will hurt him bad...keeps pointing there.
Then he will eat, and eat, and eat and eat the house out.
Then he is totally fine. Like nothing ever happened.
My Mom thinks its a seizure,..what do you think? We see the Dr. on Monday again.
He has a language delay and we were told by OSU Clinic that if he doesnt get better by age 9 that he needs to see a nuerologist.
Please help me.....thanks! Stacy