Hiya and Welcome to HealingWell!
Your daughter is about
the same age as I was when I first started having seizures so I can understand how it looks and feels from your daughters angle. If she is having "Grand Mal" seizures (Called "Tonic-Clonic" now I believe) then that would explain a lot of your post. Grand Mal seizures (Like I have) sometimes come with an "Aura". (A sensation prior to the seizure) Sometimes the aura can be a sight, a smell, or indeed a headache! After the seizure, I am lucky if I have the energy to talk let alone walk! It can be 3-4 hours for me personally before I can start getting back to "normality".
I am glad they have done and EEG, MRI and tap but am surprised nothing has shown on ANY of them. It sounds like textbook epilepsy to me but then again, I am not a health professional. Have you thought about
having a 24Hr EEG or vEEG (Video EEG) done? If she is seizing every day then they are bound to catch something.
Please keep talking to us. Perhaps your daughter would like to join us too?!?!