Posted 2/12/2009 7:50 AM (GMT 0)
Hello...i am homaira from pakistan.I have three kids ...a twin boy and girl now 9 years old healthy and a 5 month old daughter Heba .she is having fits and seizures since birth due to focal infart in her left parietal region.the doctors here where i live do not give much information so i am quite worried about her.if anyone of the mebers here could help tell me anything about my daughters case i would be more then obliged...Her MRI says THERE IS T1W HYPO,TW2 HYPERINTENSE SIGNAL ABNORMALITY AREA IN LEFT PARIETAL REGION APPEARING HYPOINTENSE ON FLAIR IMAGES SUGGESTIVE OF FOCAL is normal.her eeg while asleep is normal thrice we did it.but her background in one eeg is not that good.when she was born she had double knot with umblical cord around her neck.the last ultrasound done before her birth missed the cord around her neck so i had a long labour and she was delivered norally.she was on ventilator for 4 hours.she is on Ng feed cannot swallow or suck properly.
for last few days she has started crying a a lot.she takes carbamezapine and clonazepam.but is at times very jittery.she smiles and moves her neck while in bed.cannot hold her neck properly but does hold it to sum extenet and even moves it left right following any object.her vision and hearing is fine.