Hi everyone. I found this site while looking for the possible side effects from reaching the toxic levels of Dilantin. Here is my situation. Ive been on Dilantin now for about
4 years to control seizures that are caused by a tumor I have in my left temprol lobe. I am at the max level of Dilantin that is recommended before toxicity can come into play. In the last 4-5 weeks I have had a out break of blisters all over my body. Now, Im not covered in them from head to toe, but I do have some on all my limbs, feet, shoulders, lower back, forearms and on my head. Ive been going to a dermotoligist and they have no idea what it is. We are currently waiting on a biopsy result.
Now this is why I started looking into the Dilantin. My mother. Like all, she is very paranoid about everything I do because of my seizures. She called today and recommended that I call my neurologist and run it past him. This was at 630am and she wanted me to make a EM call to his home. I didnt, but will call him once his office opens.
I am also on Keppra.
Has anyone else ever had any syptoms/side effects because of Dilantin?