I'd appreciate any insight the community might have - I've gone through life with these daily "waves" of electricity that dance up and down my spine, often in multiple waves, sporadically throughout my day(s). Some are just that, waves of "pleasure/(not unpleasant)" but they generally lead up in batches to a larger "tsunami" type where my whole chest / arms / face (sometimes whole body) will have a brief (less than ~3 sec) major jerk. After the big one, whatever "they" are seem to reset. And if the big one doesn't happen, I get this vaguely "congested" feeling, like stifling a sneeze.
Quacky as this might perhaps sound, I always thought everyone had these (don't they?). I grew up heavily LDS and they always talked about
how the Holy Spirit was a "warm" & peaceful feeling. I just figured it was that. Hah... oie. I don't quite believe that exact interpretation anymore, though more power to those that do.
Again - I'd be grateful for any thoughts, because I've just figured out that many people in fact don't apparently experience this (am fascinated by that for the moment) and I am sort of out of my depth. I've been reading all sorts of things but nothing lines up with "waves of tingly electric spine orgasms & body jerks." I'm just now looking into this as I get my health in order (am being evaluated for Bi-polar). I'll be talking to my dr. about
this, too, but would like your input, please.
Kinda a train-wreck but happy to be getting myself together.